East Los Angeles Coilege-Monterev Park Vincent Price Gallery

Internet Address: www.elac.cc.ca.us gallery.htm Director: Mr. Thomas Siliiman Admission: free.

Parking: on street in front of campus.

Open: Monday to Friday, noon-3pm: additional hours may be arranged by appointment.

Facilities: Gallery.

Activities: Guided Tours: Temporary Exhibitions 16year).

East Los Angeles Coilege-Monterev Park Vincent Price Gallery Photo Gallery

It was in 1951 that Price first visited the campus of East Los Angeles College. Invited to lecture on the Aesthetic Responsibilities at the Citizen”. Price arrived to find he was (in his words) “speaking in a Quonset hut on a mud fiat.” Struck by the spirit of the students and the communitys need for the opportunity to experience original art works first hand. Price donated some ninety pieces to establish the first “teaching art collection” owned by a community college in the United States. Over the decades. Price and other patrons donated to the collection with the goal of illustrating diverse periods, styles, media, and techniques. Facilities consist of the main gallery < Building F5-104). a smaller permanent gallery (Building F6(. and an exhibit preparation workshop. Assembled with works from private and public art collections, the Gallerys own collection, and student art work, the exhibits produced by the Gallery are curated, prepared and installed by students as part of an educational program. Meant to be a hands-on teaching tool, the collection of over 2.000 works features a variety of aitistic techniques: wood carving from Africa. New Guinea, and Pre-Columbian Mexico: ceramics from ancient Peru. Mexico and Etruria: Aztec and ancient Egyptian sculpture: watercolor painting by William Bryce: oil and acrylic painting by Hans Burckhardt and Rafael Coronel: ink drawing by Frank Romero and Joseph Giasco: pastel drawing by John Paul Jones and Howard Warshaw: pencil drawing by William Wiley. Aristide Maillol and Eugene Delacroix: lithography by Jose Luis Cuevas. Fritz Scholder and Roy Lichtenstein: etchings by Peter Winslow Milton and Francisco Goya: serigraphy by Friedensreich Hundertwasser and Motor Vasarely: woodcut printnaking by Ito Shinsui and Albrecht Diirer: and gouache painting by Paul Burlin and Jesus "Chucho" Reyes. Other important artists represented include Bonnard, Daumier. Dali, Diebenkorn. Hiroshige I. Hockney. Manet. Piranesi. Picasso. Redon. Rothko. Rouault. Siqueiros. Tamayo. Utrillo, and other major contributors to world art history. William Keith. Gray Rain Clouds; Cattle in Meadow, Hearst Art Gallery Photograph courtesy of Hearst Art Gallery. Saint Marys College. Moraga, California.

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