France Subway Map

France Subway Map


TOURIST OFFICES. The extensive French tourism support network revolves around syndicats d’initiative and offices de tourisme; and in the smallest towns, the Mairle, the mayor’s office; all of which Let’s Go labels “tourist office.” All three distribute maps and pamphlets, help you find accommodations, and suggest excursions to the countryside. For up-to-date events and regional info, see


TELEPHONES. When calling from abroad, drop the leading zero of the local number. French payphones only accept stylish Telecartes (phonecards), available in 50-unit (7.50) and 120-unit (15) denominations at tabacs, post offices, and train stations. Decrochez means pick up; you’ll then be asked to patientez (wait) to insert your card; at numerotez or composez you can dial. Use only public France Telecom payphones, as privately owned ones charge more. An expensive alternative is to call collect (faire un appel en PCV) ; an English-speaking operator can be reached by dialing the appropriate service provider listed below. The information number is 12; for an international operator, call 00 33 11. For information on purchasing a cell phone, see 36. International direct dial numbers include: AT&T, 0 800 99 00 11; British Telecom, 0 800 99 02 44; Canada Direct, 0 800 99 00

16 or 99 02 16; Ireland Direct, aO 800 99 03 53; MCI, 0 800 99 00 19; Sprint, 0 800 99 00 87; Telecom New Zealand, 0 800 99 00 64; Telkom South Africa, 0 800 99 00 27; Telstra Australia, 0 800 99 00 61.

EMERGENCY Police: 122. Ambulance: 123. Fire: 124.

PHONE CODES Country code: 33. International dialing prefix: 00. France has no city codes. From outside France, dial int’l dialing prefix (see inside back cover) + 33 + local number (drop the leading zero).

MAIL. Mail can be held for pickup through Poste Restante to almost any city or town with a post office. Address letters to be held according to the following example: SURNAME Firstname, Poste Restante, 52 r. du Louvre, 75001 Paris, France. Mark the envelope HOLD.

INTERNET ACCESS. Most major post offices and some branches now offer Internet access at special “cyberposte” terminals; you can buy a rechargeable card that gives you 50min. of access at any post office for 8. Note that Let’s Go does not list “cyberposte” locations. Most large towns in France have a cybercafe. Rates and speed of connection vary widely; occasionally there are free terminals in tech-nologically-oriented museums or exhibition spaces. Cybercafe Guide (www.cyberi-acafe.netcyberiaguideccafe.htm#workingfrance) lists cybercafes in France.

LANGUAGE. Contrary to popular opinion, even flailing efforts to speak French will be appreciated, especially in the countryside. Be lavish with your Monsieurs, Madames, and Mademoiselles, and greet people with a friendly bonjour (bon-soir in the evening). For basic French vocabulary and pronunciation, see 1054.

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