Gilbert town Map

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78 N. Main St. 704/663-7572 www.themadhatterbakery. com HOURS: Tues.-Thurs. 7:30 A.M.-5:30 P.M.

Fri. 7:30 A.M.-10 P.M. Sat. 9 A.M.-2 P.M.

A mother-daughter team owns this bakery and boutique, each contributing their own skills (mom is the baker, daughter is the crafter) to create a one-of-a-kind shop in downtown Mooresville. The funky atmosphere with its whimsical wall mural, polka-dot counter, colorful furniture, and animal-print pillows make the shop feel like it leapt out of the pages of an Alice in Wonderland storybook. It’s a toss-up to decide which is more invitinghandmade items like soaps, jewelry, stitched aprons, and baby booties, or the lemon cream cheese pound cake, coconut custard pie, blueberry muffins, and other fresh-from-the-oven baked goods.

They simply took command and acted without waiting for instructions. Gilbert town Map Several days passed before there was even a sign of organization in the relief effort. One of Gilbert town Map the first official delegations of authority made by the Haitian government was to give the United States control of Port-au-Prince airport operations. All systems vital to the relief effort were damaged or destroyed by the earthquake. Nearly all buildings were reduced to rubble. Tens of thousands of bodies lay beneath the debris, or on the sidewalks and streets.

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