Havana Cuba – Tourism, and vacations in Havana Cuba

Ivana the caribbean babylon didn’t get its name by chance altogether two million Spanish Indian African Chinese mulatto, and other people’s live here together in peace the Metro bus a long bus pulled by a semi-trailer holds people at a time transporting them throughout the city which spans kilometers, it’s the biggest settlement in Central America fortunately the tourist sites are limited to a smaller territory than this in the Viejo Havana Sandra Havana.

Havana Cuba – Tourism, and vacations in Havana Cuba Photo Gallery

And, Vedado city regions sucked by everyone relics of the colonial past can be found in the old town via outside the former city wall in the middle of a monumental park the building of the capitolio can be found this huge palace where the white dome is the symbol of the American influence it was built in taking the capital in Washington as a model due to its designers healthy Cuban self-confidence it was built to be one meter higher than the original it served as the Parliament of the Cuban Republic for three decades in one of its wings the House of Representatives in the other wing the Senate was in session after the victory of the revolution a new function was given it.

And, today it is the seat of the Cuban scientific Academy. Because there is a lot of room left in it the Museum of Natural Science, and the planetarium were also set up here the meter wide facade books on Tamar T Esplanade which is always busy, and broadens to become a square exploring the real beauties of a city can be done best on foot but site scene can also be continued by hailing a cab in the street opening opposite we can find El Floridita which is a bar, and a restaurant in one, and is one of the most popular in Havana the determining elements of the panorama of Havana are they American old-timers in the s Americans not only bought real estate here but they also brought their cars which were the most modern at that time after the Revolution Fidel nationalized the cars – they belong to the national heritage they’re not for sale even if the collector had paid huge amounts for a chrome those mobile or.

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