Hey guys we just got up, and got ready, and we’re about to head to a place called Mount Murray we’ll look out a lot of you guys suggested we go check it out it’s about an hour walk from where we are at the moment going that way until we hit a big park, and then there’s kind of like a mountain which they call the hill. Because it’s not really that much of a mountain mom um Montreal is quite flat we’re gonna walk to the top of that hill, and it’s meant to give some of the best views of Montreal. So we’re looking forward to that, and yeah sigamani come on you guys well there we go you come on you guys how you doing yeah we decided that we’re gonna leave earlier today it is now one o’clock rather than leaving at 4:00.


So we got some things planned for you today, and bras yeah take Molly yeah we just went, and got some drinks, and some trail mix to get us up the mountain. But first we noticed a how you described is couldn’t oratory. So it’s like a religious building I think. So it was a sign for it we don’t know where we’re gonna try find it sparingly as a cool photo, and just levitate is actually really nice I liked when you were in a big city, and they have just this massive park I mean reminds us of Central Park. But it was busy you know it reminds me of Stanley Park in Vancouver. But yeah really big let’s check the map uh-oh we have like an hour to get to the other side of the park when do it though we’re pretty much going from I think the south to the top like we’re doing the longest route you can do it yeah. But yeah it’s nice it’s beautiful it’s nice that Montreal safe laughs Montreal what are you doing to us what’s this stairs mm-hmm we didn’t agree to this all right guys after a lot of stairs we’ve made it to a very pretty look out of Montreal just gonna walk around.

So there’s no trees in the way we can show you what Montreux looks like it is very pretty city views were beautiful you know it’s always good to kind of get like an overview of a city. So you can kind of imagine what it looks like. So I actually I was thinking of Toronto us expecting to see the needles that they have there, and why yeah I was just thinking that do we need to show you the schools here any really fluffy tails we were quite the exercise today it’s taken us about well we walked for about five kilometres to get here. But we have made it to the oratory I think that’s how one spot I don’t have Wi-Fi. So I can’t Google what it is. But I want to know like I think it’s um I think it might be in a religious building I need to look it up, and we’re gonna go see if we can go inside. But the building is humongous we didn’t like in photos he didn’t really tell how big it was, and to you here, and looking at it via the grounds really pretty there’s flowers everywhere, and we’re gonna go, and see we go inside it is very very cool we got in let’s see what there is still trying to learn a couple of this places YUM Mingo let’s have a mango for dessert no mango to share yeah sounds good this is a nice place.

So fresh yeah yeah look at all these fruit, and veg I wish we knew about this before haven’t had a patience. So long YUM apples have little hairier home out guys I mean really hungry for dinner we’re gonna get some grub a Girl doll we’re gonna get some grub a dub dub. So we I try to save money. So whenever we travel I trying like cook meals, and then put them in the fridge, and we can heat them up, and the other day I made vegetables with some pasta, and then I put them in bowls. So then we can just do this look delectable. So we could just pop them in the microwave, and then dinners made oh yes mango from these markets we went to which we’re really cool by the way we walked past another like organic market. So the first to grab something I just wanted a peach.

But then I saw the mango. So I never say no to a good mango. But um yeah I got our little meals they’re gonna heat those up downstairs cuz there’s um with being like kind of a hostel hotel thinks we were in bedroom, and it has like a sink it’s so missing here, I’m not gonna show you. But then there’s like a communal bathroom a communal kitchen. But whenever we go down there everyone’s too scared to use a kitchen. So really we’re using the kitchen, and I almost burnt it down the other day I did not post it. But I almost put it down Steven is currently going to import some pictures that we took today with some Instagram shot yeah, and then while they import we’re gonna go, and heat these bad boys up, and have some dinner this is the communal kitchen, and as you can see we got a coffee machine which your mentor Payne see you meant to pay.

But for some reason it gives it to us for free. So we’ve been having free coffee which is awesome a microwave this this, and right where we’re staying down there is there’s always like a lot of people singing, and stuff like that which is really cool I might open the window, and see if anyone’s singing right now cheers Cheers see if there’s a note singing can you hear anything or you can kind of hear it listen someone’s playing some type of tambourine sometimes we get Oprah I caught it my dinner’s ready yay thumbs up for pre-planning meals yes best part of the day. So clumsy thanks for reading guys still here in Montreal oh my gosh imagine I dropped the camera right now faithfully knock my – you, and knock it out alright guys. So we have two more days here in Montreal we are kind of taking it easy here in Montreal as you can tell just like wonder here, I’ll see what we can find what Felix is a very easy City it is really true you need to stay in a rush, and we need this little downtime I feel like Montreux was a perfect place to choose just to have some downtime explore not do anything too cray cray, and then on Sunday we’re off to Toronto which we have quite a few things planned. So that’s gonna be a really fun. But it’s been great this week, and I love how like historical, and Montreal ease, and all the cool buildings we’ve seen it is such a like a cool city to visit always a lot many people to come. But uh y’all gonna go to bed now.

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