How to Get Clear Skin on Vacation


Nothing says ‘holiday’ like a good (healthy) tan or smooth clear skin. Contrary to popular belief, a good self-tan and a good skin protectant – that won’t leave you looking grey from the face down – can either help maintain your complexion or cover dark spots. To achieve both, your best friend is hydration. Use of good tan-enhancers, high SPF for maximum protection, big sunnies and a hat protects your skin and can also help maintain an even tone. And you can do that in four easy steps:

SCRUBBING Exfoliating twice a week with a soft formula or a loofah glove and black soap removes dead skin cells to reveal soft and healthy-looking skin. For maximum benefits, jump into a Rasul to help soften, detox and invigorate the skin.

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GO FOR GOLD Either fake it with a self-tan, or deepen an existing tan with the latest craze to hit South Africa: tan drops. They can easily be added into your moisturiser or, better yet, your sunscreen. French beauty expert Joelle Ciocco recommends adding carrot oil to your moisturiser ‘to intensify a golden glow… Since it’s tinted, it will instantly add a natural and healthy tint, and with the beta-carotene, your tan will be prolonged while guaranteeing optimal comfort for skin’.

A MOISTURISER Choose a product rich in active antioxidants, like vitamins E and C that suit all skin types and ages. It’s the perfect opportunity to finish your after-sun cream before it expires. You can mix it with a few drops of a self-tanner.

OPT FOR NON-WHITENING PROTECTION Sun protection is important all year round – no matter your skin tone. But an oily chalky residue isn’t. Your best bet? Oilfree, lightweight formulations that blend well and absorb fast, including all the goodness of maximum protection.

WE’RE BUYING: • Invigorating face scrub by Woolworths Daily Exfoliating Cleanser, R90 • Matsimela Rose & Litchi Salt Body Scrub, R65 • Caribbean Tan Pure Pigment Darkening Drops, R100 • Celltone Adult Sunscreen SPF50, R200 • 20- to 30-minute Rasul session, Africology Spa, R280 ??


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