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Hanging Food

Heavy-duty coolers and other containers designed ifor food storage are capable of protecting food jfrom most animals, but such containers are much too cumbersome to bring on most kinds of wilder-jness camping trips.

The best thing to do with food when it’s not being consumed is to store it in a nylon or plastic bag, and hang it high from the branch of a tree, or between two trees. Keep the food hung not only at night, but also during the day at other than mealtimes. Food left anywhere around the camp-i site is likely to be quickly targeted by chipmunks, squirrels, or larger animals.

There are several ways to hang a food bag. The simplest is to find a branch which is at least 15 feet off the groundideally one that’s strong enough to hold your food bag but not much else. Take a 25-to-50-foot length of nylon cord, tie a small rock to one end, and heave it over the branch. The line should hang at least three to four feet out from the tree trunk.

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Overall, however, Rush’s medical contributions were more positive. In 1786, he had established the nation’s first free dispensary, and he sponsored many preventive programs, including a course of smallpox inoculations and, later, vaccinations. And as a result of his advocacy for humane treatment of the insane and his authorship of the first comprehensive medical treatise on mental illness, Rush is justly called the Father of Country Psychiatry. As his reputation grew, Rush was appointed to several honorary positions, such as treasurer of the U.S. Mint in 1797 and scientific adviser to the Lewis and Clark expedition in 1803. Indianapolis Subway Map Mixing in increasingly lofty circles, it was Rush who finally healed the ancient rift between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. In the spring of 1813, the doctor, by now Philadelphia’s first citizen, fell ill. After bleeding himself twice, he died five days later at his home. Richard Bell See also: Revolutionary War; Science. Bibliography Goodman, Nathan. Benjamin Rush, Physician and Citizen, 17461813. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1934. Hawke, David Freeman. Benjamin Rush; Revolutionary Gadfly. Indianapolis, IN: Bobbs-Merrill, 1971. Kloos, John. A Sense of Deity: The Republican Spirituality of Dr. Benjamin Rush. Brooklyn, NY: Carlson, 1991.

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