Irving Subway Map

Country Architecture and Objects Native Country architecture reflected beliefs about society and religion. Two spectacular examples are the Aztec capital city of Tenochtitln and the Mississippian mound complex at Cahokia. At each of these sites, native people constructed massive ceremonial centers reflective of their respective worldviews. The Aztec understanding of the universe focused on a central place, their capital city. Irving Subway Map Fittingly, they built a huge stone pyramid topped by a temple. Warehouses, schools, and palaces ringed the sacred site, and from this position, the Aztecs reckoned their place in the world. The giant earthworks at Cahokia (near present-day East St. Louis, Illinois) were also set apart as the special domain of priests and chiefs. Native art objects like pipes, masks, and flutes underscore the performative aspects of religious celebrations and rituals. These objects, by and large, were meant to be used, to be seen in motion, and to inform native peoples’ understanding of themselves and their world. The physical appearance of a sacred object was considered inseparable from its function. Masks in particular, used throughout North Country, were meant to be worn during religious performances. Dance and music were important to native religious expression and remain so.

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