Map of Java

Ready to go to Java. But first we have to catch a boat taxi, and a plane let’s do servoz we love getting up for the sunrise the colors are always. So beautiful fixing yourself on the ground bill discarded we just made it back to Bali, and we’ve got a bit of a dilemma we have a hundred, and twenty thousand in our wallet, and it’s about a hundred, and fifty thousand to get to the airport. So I think enough to track my Wi-Fi to use uber or try, and barter down a taxi driver to take us for 120 Val we can’t find Wi-Fi, and there’s no taxis at the moment.

Map of Java Photo Gallery

But jess has found someone who is kind enough to call a taxi for us which is good. But also if we’re calling a taxi I wonder how, I’m haggling is going to go we literally just don’t have enough maybe you can take us to an ATM we are saved oh it’s opening if you give it some time a little space, and you’re fine now the spark in your eyes we have sorry Hungary we have found a cafe it’s a coffee club we have those bathrooms. So like all year let’s go here we know that the free can be good i order them Makar, and then I saw they did this special got a mud cake mother, and I had to try it, and they’ve given it to me this isn’t breakfast you’re making everyone hungry, and the fun continues oh my gosh it’s been a while guys please don’t charge us it has been four hours, and we’re now on the over the past week we have just been eating Balinese food. So I think we’re kind of cake defeat when was the last time you Jessica what are you doing this is the last time you need to provide I know I think my favorite type of airports are beachside airports early was to get some free Wi-Fi. But uh all righty guys we just arrived at the orangutan project we’re gonna be here for five days now it is currently the 5:00 p.m. we’re waiting for one more volunteer to get here before orientation.

So I don’t think we’re gonna be doing anything too much exciting this afternoon. But, I’ll quickly share our rooms it’s quite nice Steven is not allowed in my room girls only. Because here in Java it’s a different religion to Bali, and the rules are that you’re only allowed to share a room if you are married, and as you guys know Steven, and I only engaged to another hour to stay in the same room. But here’s a very nice room, and you’ll be nice to spend some time away from, I’m just kidding just kidding Stevie I want to show you guys first our balcony it is so nice, and it looks out over this big rain forest, and then you can come into our room I’ve got two beds, I’m sharing a room with the other volunteer. So get to know her I save, and then I have my little my little love bathroom I love this outdoor area where we can all hang, and then all the other volunteer rooms wrap around it it’s quite nice hey Steve very nice you excited to meet some marina things tomorrow yeah all rightie hours have passed we just had our orientation and, I’m so excited for this week to start steven is currently editing people needs are you going and, I’m here annoying him we just found out that this place doesn’t just have a ring of things it has over 200 animals we’re talking like. So many from weather to reptiles alike Sun birds a baby Sun bear a baby orangutan oh my gosh, I’m so excited porcupines like I can’t even like name all of them it’s gonna be insane, and we just found out our schedule for the week sounds awesome yeah at the time like 8:30 I know this post it’s just been a day of like traveling, and flying, and orientation you guys days oh yeah, and eating announced back to the bali food.

But, I’m very excited to see what this week brings alrighty it now, I’m actually gonna enjoy this peace, and quiet thanks so much for reading guys we should have a way more interesting day tomorrow thanks for sticking with us, and we’ll see you tomorrow night guys no it feels like things are trying to the Sun your heart is healthy, and taken did your best give it all.

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