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The Middle Stone Age: 10,000 BC-5,400 BC (1 minute)

The Mesolithic or Middle Stone Age was the time when the climate was warming and the glaciers were melting. Elsewhere in Europe hunters and gathers began to adapt to a more settled
way of life. However, in Austria Mesolithic finds like the burial site in Elsbethen, near Salzburg reveal similar stone tools and artifacts to the Old Stone Age.

The New Stone Age: 5,400 BC-4,500 BC (1 minute)

The Neolithic or New Stone Age was when the Linear Pottery Culture (also called the Bandkeramik Culture) began on the Hungarian plain and spread through Slovakia, the Czech land,
Austria, Germany, Poland into the Low Countries and eastern France. The one thing that most distinguishes this culture is their characteristic pottery decorated with simple designs make from curvilinear incised lines. They used very distinctive flint tools, including knives, sickle blades, borers, burins and scrapers.

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The Linear Pottery Culture was a farming culture that lived in large longhouses made of wattle and daub and covered with thatched roofs. The inhabitance lived in these structures
along with their animals. They raised grain in small fields that were bordered by trees and raised cattle, sheep and goats. They also continued to hunt. The social structure was relatively egalitarian.

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The Copper Age: 4,500 BC-2.500 BC (1 minute)

Toward the end of this era, is the Chalcolithic or copper age or copper-stone age which is a time when copper tools were used as well as stone tools. Amazingly, on September 19, 1991
a mummy from this period was found by a tourist. The mummy was frozen in the ice and snow on the Simulaun Glacier in the Tirolean Otztal Alps on the Italian-Austrian border. The mummy, nicknamed Otzi the Iceman is now housed in the South Tyrl Museum of Archaeology in the city of Balzano in Italy. Otzi had an flint arrowhead lodged in his left shoulder suggesting the he bled to death after being shot. He wore an unlined fur robe and woven grass cape with leather shoes stuffed with grass. He cared a small copper-bladed ax and a flint dagger a bow and a quiver of 14 arrows.

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The Bronze Age: 2,500 BC- 800 BC (1 minute)

The later Bronze Age is the time of the Urnfield culture, which spread across most of Western Europe. This culture left no great monuments most of the artifacts found relating to the
Urnfield culture are grave goods. The name Urnfield refers to their burial customs. They cremated their dead and placed the ashes in an “urn” which was buried with other urns in a “field” or cemetery. Before the Urnfield cultures burial rites involved inhumation (burying the entire body in a grave). Besides burial practices the Urnfield cultures had similar bronze work, pottery and settlement patterns.

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