Marcello Torrisi Sicily Tour Guide

Buon Giorno.

I’m Marcelo Theresa from Catania Sicily and I am a program director for Grand Circle on discovery Sicily heart of Mediterranean. I’ve been working for the company now for about three years and I am % Sicilian living in Catania born, and raised in this city. I’m years old and I still living with my mom which is not really something very uncommon here in Sicily.

Marcello Torrisi Sicily Tour Guide Photo Gallery

Because there are many people who still living at years old with relative. I think that one main thing that makes this island unique are the Sicilians themselves. I would summarize the Siegen food with just one gesture warna bunny see.

I’m always suggesting. Because always remind me my family my mother the way she cooks is the pasta alla Norma which is our main dish in Sicily with eggplant tomato salsa, and grated ricotta cheese every Sicilian has a ditalion flag on our own table red tomato green the basil, and white the greater the ricotta cheese here in this island we have everything concentrated in a not very fast territory we’re surrounded by the sea we have the mountains we have to he ELLs, and of course we have our big Bama where is still erupting Mount Etna. So trust me when.

I say come here, and you would discover something that you can never never imagine looking forward to meeting you in this Mediterranean paradise not even Archie.

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