Montreal. Map Tourist Attractions

In revenge whereof he went in the forementioned rash Expedition, Montreal. Map Tourist Attractions but had such about him, and was so circumspect, that he came well off, though Montreal. Map Tourist Attractions he lost one principal Man. This place is very much annoyed by the Mauquaogs, and have much ado to stand their ground. In this Place Captain Gookins ordered a Garrison to be kept the last year, which Order while they attended they were safe; but when the Northern Sachems and Souldiers came, who stirred up ours to go with them on their unsuccessful Expedition, the Town was for the most part scatter’d and their Corn spoyled.

The Teacher of this Place is named George: they have not much esteem for Religion, but I am hopefully perswaded of sundry of them; I can go unto them but once in a year. Panatuket is the upper part of Merimak-Falls; so called, because of the noise which the Waters make. Thither the Penagwog-Indians are come, and have built a great Fort; Their Sachems refused to pray to God, so signally and sinfully, that Captain Gookins and my self were very sensible of it, and were not without some expectation of some interposure of a Divine-Hand, which did eminently come to pass; for in the forenamed expedition they joyned with the Northern Sachems, and were all of them cut off; even all that had so signally refused to pray unto God were now as signally rejected by God, and cut off.

Montreal. Map Tourist Attractions Photo Gallery

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