Newtonville Camera and Video Boston US Map & Phone & Address

Newtonville Camera and Video Boston US Map & Phone & Address

• 249 Walnut St, Newton; (617) 965-1240

Perhaps the largest selection of new and used cameras in this area, Newtonville has everything from current models to the old and unusual. This shop is frequented by amateur photographers and professionals, making for a strong selection in the secondhand department They also have lots of tripods and lenses. Used cameras carry a full 90-day warranty, longer than most other stores offer.

More interesting yet is Newton-ville’s selection of used video equipment. Camcorders by Sony, JVC, and others are available in the $300 range, a substantial savings over new models, which seldom come in under $600. They have used VCRs too, which carry a 30-day warranty.

As far as Mine knows, this is the only major reseller of used video equipment around; though when it comes to saving money, he is always happy to be corrected. Open every day but Sunday from 9 a.m. to 6 P.M. (‘til 7 on Wednesdays and Fridays).

Newtonville Camera and Video Boston US Map & Phone & Address Photo Gallery

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