This National Grassland is located in the northwest corner of Nebraska, north and west of Nebraska National Forest. It’s an area of rolling hills and buttes, and there’s badlands scenery which includes sandstone toadstool formations with umbrellalike tops. Livestock grazing is permitted throughout the National Grassland.

Activities: Aside from a one-mile loop trail, there are no designated trails. Cross-country hiking, backpacking, and horseback riding are permitted throughout the area. Fishing is available, and hunting is permitted in season.

Camping Regulations: Camping and campfires are allowed without restriction, except where posted otherwise. Permits are not required.

For Further Information: Oglala National Grassland, HC 75, Box 13A, Chadron, NE 69337.


The first charge of this pattern produced a distinctly prolonged explosion. The attack produced a small but steady flow of oil, a sample of which has been collected. Viceroy’s fourth and last attack was carried out at 2113 hrs. SS Athelduke sank slowly in position 55 36′ 04 N, 01 27′ 05 W. The bows remained visible, bearing 249 degrees, 3,200 yards from the contact. The bearing was checked each time the ship passed over the contact in the last three attacks. The 30th Escort Group arrived in the area, and HMS Launceston Castle carried out a Squid attack on the contact at about 2157. Viceroy then set course to rej oin the convoy. On returning to this wreck on 24 April, Viceroy again attacked and evidence, including a bottle of brandy made in Heilbron, was recovered. The wreck of U 1274 is reported to be standing upright on a clean, well-swept sand and stone seabed in a general depth of 63 m (LAT).

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