Perfecta Camera Boston US Map & Phone & Address

Perfecta Camera Boston US Map & Phone & Address

• 42 Bromfield St. Boston; (617) 542-6928

• 81 Charles St. Boston; (617) 248-1909

• 1054 Beacon St. Brookline; (617) 734-0540

• 309 Walnut St. Newton; (617) 244-4174

• 548 Washington St. Wellesley; (617)235-0890

• And other suburban locations This chain, primarily known as a good, quick processing lab, also has some good deals on basic cameras and packages. A recent sale offered an Olympus “SuperZoom” 35mm camera with lots of automatic features for $199, some $70 off their regular selling price. Plus slide projectors, lenses, and other accessories.

The Bromfield Street branch, formerly Stone Camera, adds good used cameras for under $100 and up. Mr.

C liked a Ricoh KR-5 manual 35mm camera with a 55mm lens for $90. Even at this low price, you’ll get a through-the-lens light meter and focusing system. Used cameras are guaranteed for thirty days, full parts and labor, as other stores do; but their warranty continues at 50% for the rest of one year they’ll cover half of any repair work you may need. A unique deal. It’s open daily 8:30 A.M. to 5:30 p.m. Saturdays 10-5; other store hours vary.

Perfecta Camera Boston US Map & Phone & Address Photo Gallery

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