Romania Map Of Europe

Other historical monuments include the Glogoveanu House, the Jianu House, the former Palace of Justice (now the University), and the Administrative Palace.

The thread of Oltenian tradition runs throughout the work of Constantin Brancusi, regarded as one of the greatest modern sculptors. He was able to combine the simplicity of Oltenian folk art with the refinement of the Parisian avant-garde, exerting a profound influence on the modern concept of sculptural form. We invite you to visit the memorial museum at Hobita, the birthplace of Constantin Brancusi. Travellers to Targu Jiu can admire the artist’s four masterpieces, created in 1936-38: the Table of Silence, the Lane of Chairs, the Portal of the Kiss, and the Column of the Infinite. The sculptures are arranged along the same axis, a path of 1,753m. The sculpture park was a memorial to those who fell in the First World War. The house of Court Purveyor Barbu Ganescu (18th century), where Brancusi lived during the period 1936-38, is surrounded by a courtyard which preserves a round table, twenty-four cubic seats, and two stone benches.

The Buzau region is an ancient cradle of Christianity. The spiritual patron ofthecity of Buzau is Saint Sava, who was drowned in the waters of the Mousaios (Buzau River) by the Goths of Athanaric, on 12 April 372, as recorded in a 4th century document now housed in the Vatican Library. Later, in 1504, Nifon II founded the Bishopric of Buzau. The Episcopal Church of the Dormition of the Mother of God was founded in 1649 by Prince Matei Basarab. Constantine Brancoveanu founded a printing press here in 1691.

In the Colti-Nucu-Bozioru area a rupestral complex has been preserved: around thirty hermit cells excavated out of the rock, most dating from the 13th-16th centuries: the Fundatura Hermitage, Joseph’s Cave, Agathon’s Hermitage, the Cave of Dionysius the Spinner, the Hollowed Rock. Only the Alunis Hermitage (1277) still serves as a place of worship.

Other attractions in the region: the Muddy Volcanoes (Berea parish) – miniature volcanoes (5-6m high), formed by gaseous eruptions, which eructate mud and water; the Living Flame (Lopatari parish) – a 50cm flame, a phenomenon due to a constant emanation of gases through fissures in the crust of the earth; the Museum of Amber in Colti village; the sculpture park at Magura; the Salt Mountain in Manzalesti parish.

Romania Map Of Europe Photo Gallery

With regard to the volume, it holds the 3rd place in the world, after the building where are assembled rockets, atn Cape Canaveral (Florida) and the Quetzalcoatl pyramid from Cholula (Mexico City). The palace complex, with the connected areas, occupies 506,000 sqm. and only the backyard park-platform covers an area of almost 300,000 sqm.

The palace is made of 21 body parts, and 6,000 rooms, containing hundreds of offices, tens of reception and conference rooms intended for scientific, political and cultural meetings. The surface of each room is between 300 and 500 sqm. The same large spaces of the two galleries from the second floor (150m length and 18m high) amaze as much as the 480 rooms from the same level.

Projected and built entirely by Romanian experts, the building is remarkable by the quality and the value of the details. It has been used marble from the quarries of Ruschita, Moneasa and Gura Vaii, and the interior walls are covered by lambries of nut-tree and cherry-tree essences.

After the Revolution of December 1989, the palace became the headquarters of Romanian Parliament. Since 1994, the building also shelters the International Conference Center.

Open: daily 10:00-16:00 Address: 1, Calea 13 Septembrie, Bucharest, tel./fax: +40-21-311.36.11; +40-21-311.36.14 (International Conferences Center)

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  1. Jen February 28, 2018
  2. Jen February 28, 2018

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