Visit to Romania

Church in the Maramures area Namaiesti Monastery in Arges county Voronet Monastery -Suceva county Halidoms from Maramures and Transilvania Rohia Monastery

Situated on the Dealul Viei, country Maramure?, the monastery houses a rich library over 40.000 tomes. The museum of the monastery is arranged inside the Nicolae Steinhard bard’s house and possesses an old Christian books colection, icons on panel and glass.

Barsana Monastery

It is included inside the Maramures and Satmar Bishopric and it is close to the river-side Iza. The first reclusory dates from the 14th century, but the halidom was distroyed in 19thcentury, when the monks were driven away. The monastery was reopened afterl989. The church of the monastery is made from has a basement chapel and The Twelve are the patrons of the monastery.

Greek catholic church from Surdesti

It dates from 1721 and it is the highest oak-wooden church in the world with a tower 54m in highet and 72m full high. The inside of the church is painted with biblical representations from the Old and the New Testament. The People’s Reunification/Reintregirii Neamului Cathedral from Alba Iulia

It was built between 1921 – 1922 and it symbolizes the unity notion of the Romanian people. An emotional atmosphere envelops the magnificent architecture of the cathedral. It was Alba Iulia the city where Mihai the Brave (waywode of Wallachia) proclaimed the first union of the three romanian provinces: Transylvania. Wallachia and Moldavia.

Visit to Romania Photo Gallery

The Protestant Church from Prejmer In the year 218 anno Domini it starts the rising up of a church consacrated to the Holly Croix. The church was finished by the Order of the Teuton’s Knights, but in 1240 it is taken under the rule of the abbey from Carta. The church has Greek croix shape, in Cistercian Gothic style. At first, the building was catholic, painted in bright colours, but consequently Protestant Reformation the facades were covered. The Museum holds an old door and an organ of death – unique device in Europe. The Fortified Roman-Chatolic Church The church lies in the locality Lazarea, country Harghita, and it was erected in the 12th century in romanic style. Special assets: the decoration from the left facade of the church, the consecrate croix from the 13th century and The Metropolitan Cathedral thg baptlstery from the same centuly

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