Sheila OConnell Ireland Tour Guide

Hey My name is Shilo Colonel. I’m from killarney encounter Carrie.

I’m a program director legrandcirque you travel on the Ireland, and depth program. I grew up in killarney in the sixties very close to the lakeshore in a rural community it would have been a very closeness community everybody was pretty much equal. Because in Ireland in those days nobody thought of themselves has been particularly poor.

Sheila OConnell Ireland Tour Guide Photo Gallery

Because we all had very little. I suppose as kids we probably enjoy the freedom that children today would only dream about, and myself, and my peers, and my friends, and people of that era that often say you know that we grew up really in the best time in IrelAnd I suppose we grew up in a time of big change in Ireland as well my parents would have grown grown up in the backdrop of the war of independence, and they would have instilled a love of history, and learning, and current affairs, and the entire family reading and I love to share this with my travelers.

I believe, it’s important to know the history of the nation that you’re visiting it tells a lot about the people, and you can actually understand the psyche of the people if you understand their history, and where they have come from think Cove is a hugely important part of the island, and death program the whole story of the immigration on the island the last port of call for the Titanic, and the Lusitania victims of course were brought into Cove as well, and many of them were actually buried there certainly the whole host of lunch in cove is a very special experience to. This is a home to see the inside of an Irish home, and to be able to converse in your own native language which a native of Ireland, and to hear about modern contemporary land that is without a doubt special the scenery is absolutely breathtaking, and to me. This is what Ireland is all about.

I have never lost my enthusiasm, and my passion, and my love for Ireland and I believe. I transfer this to my travelers, and they get cut open the whole excitement of the trip and I just love showing people my country you.

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