Travel to South Dakota


Andreas, Alfred T. ed. History of the State of Nebraska. Chicago, IL: Western Historical Co. 1882.

Board of Regents. Fact Book. Pierre: South Dakota Board of Regents, 1986-2006.

Bureau of Census. Table 1: Interim Projections: Rankings of Census 2000 and Projected 2030 State

Population Change.

Graham Rezatto, Helen. The Making of the Two Dakotas. Lincoln, NE: Media Publishing, 1989.

Green, Amy. More U.S. Hispanics Drawn to Islam. Christian Science Monitor, September 28, 2006.

Haines, Francis. The Northward Spread of Horses among the Plains Indians. American Anthropologist 40, no. 3 (July-September 1938): 429-437.

Hoover, Herbert, and John E. Miller. A New History of South Dakota. Sioux Falls, SD: Augustana College, 2005.

Hunhoff, Bernie. Hispanic Sioux Falls. South Dakota Magazine, November-December 2000: 26-35.

Karolevevitz, Robert F. Challenge: The South Dakota Story. Sioux Falls, SD: Brevet Press, 1975.

Keen, Russ. Need for Interpreters Could Surface. Aberdeen American News, October 24, 2006. Teachers to Tackle Language Barrier. Aberdeen American News, September 27,

2006. Aberdeen Readies for Beef Plant. Aberdeen American News, August 4, 2006.

Miller, David, and Nancy Veglahn. The South Dakota Story. Pierre, SD: Instructional Television Curriculum and Instruction, 1985.

Nasatir, Abraham P. Anglo-Spanish Rivalry on the Upper Missouri. Mississippi Valley Historical Review 16, no. 4 (March 1930): 507-528. Jacques d’figlise on the Upper Missouri: 1791-1795. Mississippi Valley Historical Review 14, no. 1 (June 1927): 47-56.

National Center for Educational Statistics. State Education Date Profiles. nationsreportcard/states.

National Park Service. Explorers before Lewis and Clark. The Lewis and Clark Journey of Discovery. EarlyExplorers/EarlyExplorers.htm.

Robinson, Doane. History of South Dakota. Chicago, IL: American Historical Society, 1930. Encyclopedia of South Dakota. Pierre, SD: Doane Robinson, 1925. History of South Dakota. Aberdeen, SD: Bowen, 1904. Schnell, Herbert S. History of South Dakota. 4th ed. Pierre: South Dakota State Historical Society P, 2004.

Thompson, Harry F. ed. A New South Dakota History. Sioux Falls, SD: Center for Western Studies, 2005.

U.S. Department of Interior. Lewis and Clark: Big Dam Era. gp/lewisandclark/damera.cfm.

Van Balen, John A. Dakota Place Names: Geographical Names in 18th and 19th Century Maps. Vermillion: University of South Dakota, 1998.

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