Travel to Bruges

Travel to Bruges

Tours: The tourist office leads walking tours (June Sa-Su 2:30pm, July-Aug. daily 3pm; ‚3.75). Five companies offer boat tours that traverse Bruges’s canals (every 30minž ‚5.20); ask at the tourist office or pick up tickets at the booth on the bridge between Wollestr. and Dijver. Bike tours are also available through two main compa nies. Quasimundo Tours offers four different tours, including one through the coun tryside and another at dusk. Bike tours depart daily from the Burg. (33 07 75;; Tours Mar.-Oct. ‚18, under-26 ‚15.) Pink Bear Bicycle Company guides two fun and informative bike tours, one to the neighboring town of Damme and another through the countryside; both leave daily from the Markt. (61 66 86; ‚17, under-26 ‚15.) Finally, two companies offer daytrips by car to explore the WWI battle site at Flanders Field in Ypres (137); Quasimodo (0800 975 25; ‚45, students ‚38; and Daytours (0800 991 33; ‚59, students ‚50.

ATMs: Two in the Markt, Vlamingstr. 18 and 78, and at Simon Stevenplein.

Luggage Storage: At the train station. ‚1.50-3.30. Lockers at the tourist office. ‚1. Only accessible during regular hours.

Laundromat: Belfort, Ezelstr. 51. Wash ‚2.50-3.50, dry ‚1. Open daily 7am-10pm.

Emergencies: 100. Police: 101. Police station at Hauwerstr. 7 (44 88 44).

Pharmacies: Apotheek Dryepondt, Wollestr. 7. Open M-F 9am-12:30pm and 2-6:30pm, Sa until 6pm. Apotheek K. Dewolf, Zuidzandstr. 1. Open M-F 9am-12:30pm and 2- 6:30pm, Sa until 6pm.

Hospitals: A. Z. St.-Jan (41 21 11; not to be confused with Oud St-Janshospitaal, a museum), St.-Lucas (36 91 11), St.-Franciscus Xaverivskliniek (47 04 70). Call tourist office for doctors on call.

Internet Access: The Coffee Link, Mariastr. 38 ( 34 99 73), in the Oud St-Janshospi- taal. ‚1.25 for first 15min. ‚0.07 per min. thereafter. Open daily 10am-8pm. Many hostels (see below) also offer access open to all.

Post Office: Markt 5. Address mail to be held: Firstname SURNAME, Poste Restante, Markt 5, 8000 Brugge, BELGIUM. Open M-F 9am-7pm, Sa 9:30am-12:30pm.

Travel to Bruges Photo Gallery

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