The oldest town in Germany, Trier (pop. 100,000) has weathered over two millennia in the Mosel Valley. Founded by the Romans, Trier reached its zenith in the 4th century as the capital of the Western Roman Empire and a center for Christianity. A one-day combination ticket (6.20, students 3.10) provides access to all the city’s Roman monuments. The most impressive is the massive 2nd-century EfPorta Nigra (Black Gate), one of the best preserved city gates of the ancient world.

(Open Apr.-Sept. daily 9am-6pm; Oct.-Mar. 9am-5pm. 2.10, students 1.60.) The nearby Dom shelters the Tunica Christi (Holy Robe of Christ) and the tombs of many archbishops. (Open Apr.-Oct. daily 6:30am-6pm; Nov.-Mar. 6:30am-5:30pm. Free.) The enormous Basilika was originally the location of Emperor Constantine’s throne room. (Open M-Sa 10am-6pm, Su noon-6pm. Free.) Near the southeast corner of the city walls are the 4th-century Kaiserthermen (Emperor’s baths), most memorable for the gloomy underground passages remaining from their ancient sewer network avoid contact with the walls. (Open daily 9am-5pm. 2.15, students 1.60.) A lOmin. walk uphill along Olewiger Str. brings you to the amphithe-

Trains run to Koblenz (l%hr. 2 per hr. 16). From the station, walk down Theodor-Haus-Allee or Christophstr. to reach the tourist office, in the shadow of the Porta Nigra. (97 80 80. Open Apr.-Oct. M-Sa 9am-6pm, Su 10am-3pm; Nov.-Dee. and Mar. M-Sa 9am-6pm, Su 10am-lpm; Jan.-Feb. M-F 10am-5pm, Sa lOam-lpm. English city tours Sa 1:30pm. 6, students 5.) The Jugendhotel Jugendgastehaus Kolpinghaus , Dietrichstr. 42, one block off the Hauptmarkt, is in an unbeatable location. (97 52 50. Breakfast included. Sheets 2.50. Dorms 15; singles 22; doubles 42.) Squeezed into the passageway by Miss Maple’s, ElAstarix , Karl-Marx-Str. 11, serves excellent tortellini and pizza from 4. (Open M-Th ll:30am-lam, F-Sa ll:30am-2am, Su 2pm-lam.) The Plus supermarket, Brotstr. 54, is near the Hauptmarkt. (Open M-F 8:30am-8pm, Sa 8:30am-4pm.) Postal Code: 54292.

TRIER Photo Gallery

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