Henderson Map

Shopping Guide for Henderson Map


8712 Lindholm Dr. Huntersville, 704/895-8744,


HOURS: Vary by retailer

Overview Map

True to its name, Birkdale is a small village. The vibrant mixed-use development sits on 52 acres and is home to apartments, boutiques, restaurants, and services. The setting is reminiscent of Main Street USA, complete with a wide, tree-lined green space running down the center of the complex. Shops range from national favorites like Ann Taylor and Bath & Body Works to local specialty stores like Jewel Box, Poppies, and Julie’s. On any given day, there are residents walking their dogs, children playing in the interactive fountain, twentysomethings relaxing on the lawn with a cup of coffee, and shoppers carrying brightly colored packages. It’s as much a place to spend an afternoon relaxing or people-watching as it is a place to go shopping. Be sure to check out the special events listings; Birkdale is well known for hosting live music, movie screenings, and festivals.

Are very forward to censure and condemn the poor prisoner at Henderson Map the bar, because he sheds no tears: but such betray great ignorance in the nature of Henderson Mappassion, and as great heedlessnesse as to common passages of a Henderson Map man’s life. Some there are who never shed tears; others there are that ordinarily Henderson Map shed tears upon light occasions, and yet for their lives cannot shed a tear when the deepest sorrow is upon their hearts; and who is there that knows not these things? Who knows not that an ecstasye of Joy will sometimes fetch teares, when as the quite contrary passion will shutt them close up? Why then should any be so silly and foolish as to take an argument from this appearance? But this is by the by. In short, the prisoner at the bar is indited for sorcery and witchcraft acted upon the bodyes of the afflicted. Now, for the proof of this, I reckon that the only pertinent evidences brought in are the evidences of the said afflicted. It is true, that over and above the evidences of the afflicted persons, there are many evidences brought in, against the prisoner at the bar; either that he was at a witch meeting, or that he performed things which could not be done by an ordinary natural power; or that she sold butter to a saylor, which proving bad at sea, and the seamen exclaiming against her, she appeared, and soon after there was a storm, or the like. But what if there were ten thousand evidences of this nature; how do they prove the matter of inditement! And if they do not reach the matter of inditement, then I think it is clear, that the prisoner at the bar is brought in guilty, and condemned, merely from the evidences of the afflicted persons.

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