Andalusias Magical Almond Blossoms

Welcome to Malaga and the impressive mountain scenery, which forms a background to the city and province where thousands of almond trees are bursting into bloom as we give a warm welcome to springtime.

Andalusias Magical Almond Blossoms Photo Gallery

The spectacular landscape, abundant with almond trees, winds down to the ancient bridge Las Palomas constructed by the Romans during the first century. We invite you to visit the very natural countryside of Malaga, with its fascinating history, culture. And captivating scenery, such as these glorious blossoming trees.

An internship abroad is more than just work experience it’s the combined experience of living in a new environment and pursuing your passion. My name is Kira and I’m a student at the University of Ottawa.

During my first co-op work term I had the opportunity to live in Malaga, Spain, for the summer to complete a work semester in my field of media communications. I wrote and published articles, edited tourism posts and managed the Twitter page, among other tasks.

Not only did I take away skills applicable to my future studies and career, I learned what it takes for a small business to succeed in a global market through leading-edge techniques, dedicated individuals and teamwork. And, well I had fun experiencing all that Spain has to offer.

Thank you uOttawa CO-OP and Ontario Global Edge for giving me the opportunity to travel to this amazing country and thank you Spain-Holiday for allowing me to work, learn, grow, practice and publish under the guidance of a handful of patient professionals who quickly became my friends and family while I lived abroad.

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