Best country to visit in October



L’lnstitut Paul Bocuse Hotellerie et Art Culinaires de Lyon (Lyon Culinary Arts and Hotel Management School), Chateau de Vivier BP25, 69131 Lyon-Ecully Cedex (®04 72 18 02 20; Premier school located in France’s capital of haute cuisine. Offers 5-day to 16-week summer courses in French and English for amateurs (‚1670-7000). Individual day courses range from ‚62-76.

Lacoste School of Art, P.O. Box 3146, Savannah, GA 31401, USA (® 912-525-5803; Based in the tiny medieval town of Lacoste in Provence, this school is administered by the Savannah College of Art and Design, Summer and fall courses in architecture, painting, and historical preservation. Tuition USS4000-6500; room and board US$3150-3350.

Painting School of Montmiral, r. de la Porte Neuve, 81140 Castelnau de Montmiral, Tarn (®/fax 05 63 33 13 11; Teaches 2-week classes at amateur, student, teacher, and professional levels in English or French. ‚1550, includ ing accommodations and half-board.

Pont Aven School of Art, 5 pi. Paul Gaugin, 29930 Pont Aven (® 02 98 09 10 45; US 3401-272-5445; English-speaking school in Brittany offers stu dio courses in painting and sculpture, art history, and French language. 4- and 6-week sessions ‚3500-6500, including room and board.

Universite Paris-Sorbonne, 1 r. Victor Cousin, 75005 Paris (®01 40 46 25 49; The grand-daddy of French universities, was founded in 1253 and is still going strong. Inscription into degree courses costs about ‚300 per year. Also offers 3- to 9-month programs for visiting students.

Well, but when you bring your children to the Sacred Best country to visit in October Baptism, what is it for? Oh, let it not be done, as an empty Best country to visit in October formality; as if the Baptism of your children were for nothing, but only a formal and a pompous putting of a name upon them. No, but let the serious language of your souls, in this action, be that of Hannah, in I Samuel 1:28: I have given this child unto the Lord, as long as he lives, he shall be given unto the Lord. I find in the private writings of an holy man, who died in this place, not much above a year ago; That the day before one of his children was to be Baptised, he spent the time in giving up himself and his child unto the Lord, and in taking hold of the Covenant for both of them, and in praying that he might on the morrow, be able in much faith and love and Covenant obedience, to do it, at the Baptism of the Lord. Oh, which he writes it is not easy, though common, to offer a child unto God in Baptism. Sirs, when you have done this for your Children, you have a singular advantage to plead for the fulfillment of that word upon them in Isaiah. 44:3 I will pour my Spirit upon thy Soul, and my blessing upon thy offspring.

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  1. Reggie May 22, 2017

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