13 Hostel Ruthensteiner (HI), XV, Robert-Hamerlingg. 24 ( 893 42 02). Exit Westbah nhof, turn right onto Mariahilferstr. and continue until Haidmannsg. Turn left, then right on Robert-Hamerlingg. Knowledgeable staff, spotless rooms, a rose-filled courtyard, and a kitchenette. Breakfast 2,50. Sheets included (except for 10-bed dorms). Internet 2 for 25min. 4-night max. stay. Reception 24hr. “The Outback” summer dorm 11; 4- to 10-bed dorms 10-12; singles 18-22; doubles 36-44. AmExMCV.

Wombats City Hostel, XIV, Grang. 6 (897 23 36). Exit Westbahnhof, turn right on Mariahilferstr. right on Rosinag. and left on Grang. While near train tracks and auto body shops, Wombats compensates with a pub and other perks. Internet 1 per 12min. Bike or in-line skate rental 8 per day. 2-, 4-, and 6-bed dorms 14-36 per person. Believe It Or Not, VII, Myrtheng. 10, Apt. #14 (526 46 58). Take U6 to Burgg. Stadthalle, then bus #48A (dir.: Ring) to Neubaug. Walk back on Burgg, 1 block and take the 1st right on Myrtheng. A converted apartment, with kitchen and 2 bunkrooms. Min. 2-night stay. Reception 8am-lpm. Easter-Oct. 12.25; Nov.-Easter 7.50-10.

Hostel Panda, VII, Kaiserstr. 77, 3rd fl. (522 25 55). U6: Burgg. Small, old-fashioned, Jugendstil, co-ed rooms. Kitchen and TV. Check-in until 11pm. Bring lock for lockers. Dorms Easter-Oct. 12.50; Nov.-Easter 9. 3.50 surcharge for 1-night stays.

Westend City Hostel, VI, Fugerg. 3. Near Westbahnhof. Exit on Aussere Mariahilferstr. cross the large intersection, go right on Mullerg. and left on Fugerg. Very plain, but its location is ideal. Breakfast included. Internet 2.60 per30min. Reception 24hr. Check out 10:30am. Curfew 11:30pm. 12-bed dorms 16; 8-10 bed dorms 17; 4-6 bed dorms 18; singles 38.50; doubles 23.

Kolpinghaus Wien-Meidling, XIII, Bendlg. 10-12 (813 54 87). U6: Niederhofstr. Head right on Niederhofstr. and take the 4th right onto Bendlg. Institutional hostel with 202 beds. Break fast 3.80. Showers in all rooms. Reception 24hr. Check-out 9am. 8- and 10-bed dorms 11.40; 4- and 6-bed dorms 12.80-14.60. AmExMCV.

Turmherberge Don Bosco (HI), III, Lechnerstr. 12 ( 713 14 94). Take U3 to Kardinal- Nagl-PI. take the exit facing the park, walk through the park, and turn right on Erdberg- str.; Lechnerstr. is the 2nd left. The cheapest beds in town, in a former bell tower. Cur few 11:45pm. Open Mar.-Nov. Dorms 6.

Myrthengasse (HI), VII, Myrtheng. 7, and Neustiftgasse (HI), VII, Neustiftg. 85 (523 63 16). These simple, modern hostels, both under the same management, are a 20min. walk from the Innenstadt. Rooms separated by sex. Breakfast included. Locks 3.65. Reception 24hr. at Myrtheng. Curfew lam. 4- to 6-bed dorms with shower 15; 2-bed dorms with shower 17.50. Nonmembers add 3.50. AmExMCV.

Jugendgastehaus Wien Brigittenau (HI), XX, Friedrich-Engels-PI. 24 (332 82 9). U1 or 4 to Schwedenpl. then tram N to Floridsdorferbrucke. Excellent facilities for the dis abled, but it’s 25min. from the city center. Breakfast included. Free Internet. 5-night max. stay. Reception 24hr. Lockout 9am-lpm. 24-bed dorms (men only) 12.15; 4- bed dorms 15-17; doubles with bath 30-34. Nonmembers add 3.50.


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