I Cant Believe This is Egypt

You are so lame you said you said 8:30 it’s 10:00 that’s Egyptian time you see we that didn’t keep it more how are you this is Ali he is showing me around. So just discovered, and see one now at six to seven years we cultivate how much salt remaining for hundreds of years below this leg it’s about eight billion tons salt, and yes, and these salts every four to six months create itself again growing this is Cleopatra Hot Springs, I’m not going in to swim. But a lot of people swim in here you can actually see the bubbles coming out from underneath the water which is very very clear I think Ally is gonna have some key with his friends here. So I guess, I’ll have some tea as well look how nice this place is who wouldn’t want to have a tea here the springs is just over there this called a Boucherie spring natural water source, and it’s useless nobody using Lord Siva has an excess of water unlike the rest meters.

I Cant Believe This is Egypt Photo Gallery

So you see the water right over here just flowing driving farther out into the salt flats old salt mines to find more salt lakes everything here is just stunning, and Ali says that sometimes the salt lakes turn pink which I would love to see. So we’re searching for one of those now but. So far the bright blue ones are perfectly beautiful my head hangs low after all these things you said trust this night you follow sir sir and, I’m still the one to blame can’t say we’ll stay the same baby baby stay here time to clear my mind we both know it’s a problem when you caught me all the time, and say I may just need a little bit longer I may just need you to be how beautiful this is actually the water here was turning pink, and then I got the camera, and it’s gone it’s a little bit pinkish oh you we both know it’s about me I may just lead you now Ally have taken me to a small abandoned village 40 kilometers outside of see wha no one lives here anymore how old is this village Annie how long more than 100, and the people left now from here 22 cities. But this building is ancient these are ancient Roman yeah you can see the entrance of this door yeah, and then the sea we come, and build the village, and oh okay. So it’s ancient with C we see we see yes this buildings on top of it Wow this is the advantage of coming with a friend that is a local. Because this isn’t a place that tours go or tourists really know about yeah here we have a palm tree that did something very strange normally trees go up right well this one started growing there, and then it grew, and went back into the ground, and came out, and no one knows why heading back from day out where are you what do we do instant graveyard yeah one guy died, and gonna go say sorry to family, and it’s tradition that all the men in the town have to go. So, I’m in the car now alone Ali, and his friends went to pay the respects to the family whose family member has just passed away apparently women are not allowed at this funeral there’s a separate fee no for women held inside the house that all the women go to, and then all of the men come here.

Because in Siwon culture the women are really not even seen it’s extremely rare to see one in the street if you see one in this post it is an Egyptian woman not a Siwon women. So it’s kind of acceptable for me to be here. Because, I’m a foreigner even though I am a woman. But I cannot get out of the car. Because this is like kind of just the men’s funeral. So um I am staying here in the car, and there are so many people here. Because again every single man in the town has to come, and pay students to the family.

So everyone is coming, and I guess they just shake the hand of the family members, and then they leave at the very least. But the family members will stay here for three nights apparently is the tradition it’s kind of like a party that goes for three nights. So yeah this is a part of Siwon culture that definitely isn’t included on the tour. So yeah it is pretty cool today it wasn’t like a tour guide or anything Ali is just my friend, and he just took me around to some places that he knows up, and see wow that are not touristy at all. So awesome date around see well hope you guys enjoyed, and thank you for reading, and see you next time somewhere in Egypt not a funeral. But somewhere else in Egypt.

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