Top Travel Destinations For 4Th Of July

Top Travel Destinations For 4Th Of July

These jaunts prepared me for trips further away, e.g. Niagara Falls which is 120 kilometres and 80 minutes south of Toronto; Peterborough, 137 kilometres and an hour and a half drive north; Buffalo, USA, 160 kilometres and one hour and forty minutes south; Ottawa, 450 kilometres and four hours and a quarter northeast; and, Montreal, 505 kilometers and five and a quarter hours driving time northeast.

One trip I regret not having made. As much as I wanted to; and, tried to make it, I never did reach the 147 kilometres up north to the popular Wasaga Beach.

What I did, occasionally, manage to do was to make the weekend trek to a cabin or resort by a lake. Cold during winter. Great during summer. Each with experiences galore.

One Christmas, while staying over at my WASP wife’s ex-husband’s home, I went, cut, rolled and helped tied up a six foot spruce tree in Ajax.

Another time, I went with her to some far out place within the Greater Toronto Area to pick strawberries; and, to Kingston – 262 kilometres and nearly three hours northeast – to visit her American father and Canadian mother on their 25-acre farm.

What do you think I saw there in a barn – a thoroughbred horse? No! Not one, but two vintage, classic 1945 cars in mint condition.

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